/writing/ on the engineering behind a perfect sleep

On the Engineering behind a Perfect Sleep

Did you know that the average person spends approximately 26 years of their life sleeping? It's a significant chunk of time, so why not optimize this fundamental aspect of our lives?

Let's simplify things. Assume you want to sleep for a good 7 hours and wake up refreshed around 7 AM. That puts your bedtime at around midnight.

But here's the catch—especially for those of us in our 20s, we often find ourselves in a hyperactive state during this crucial time frame.

So, how do we engineer the perfect sleep? Let's delve into some actionable tips:

In conclusion, these practices, inspired by experts like Andrew Huberman and Ari Meisel, can help you engineer the perfect sleep. By incorporating these into your nightly routine, you unlock a host of benefits for your physical and mental well-being.