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On Boredom

Long-term success, those monumental victories, demand sustained effort over days and months. Yet, when left to its own devices, this process can get boring. The childlike fascination that fueled our project's beginning has faded. Our internal dialogue might echo sentiments like, "Oh, this again!" Unfortunately, this phase is nearly inevitable for most of us. However, there are mental tricks to navigate through it.

In a future dominated by AI handling routine tasks, many of us, even in the tech industry, will engage in creative work. Creativity, as Robert Greene says, is a blend of childlike enthusiasm and adult-like discipline. We kick off with discipline and find our way to this charged state. When faced with a crucial project that bores you, surrender temporarily. Step away. Take a break, because creativity requires space. Forget the main project for a while, delve into hobbies—like revisiting a favourite non-fiction book. As I flip through its pages, reacquainting myself with great ideas reignites my enthusiasm, leading me back to the amazing project I was just fed up with—a phenomenon James Clear dubs "entry points."

How to combat boredom while pursuing a goal?

But, despite these efforts, boredom will, at some point, get to you. In those moments, embrace spontaneity. Disrupt the routine with something unexpected. The ultimate solution lies in spontaneity.